Wigan Link – Supporting People
Wigan Link is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee and a registered charity. The Organisation has been operating since 1989 and is based at Office Bay, Unity House, Westwood Park Drive, Wigan WN3 4HE. Wigan Link is currently providing a service to 27 individuals who are described as having additional needs (learning disability), who live in their own homes with a dedicated support team. The organisation provides up to twenty-four hours support, 7 days a week. The services provided are via a specially negotiated Direct Payment Agreement using a third-party accounts manager to handle the payment on behalf of the individual. People can also access Wigan Link’s support via an individual budget using the same third-party accounts manager.
All individuals receive a full assessment of need by Wigan Social Services Department’s Care Managers, who complete a support plan and risk assessment on behalf of each individual. Wigan Link has a management group, made up of parents and individuals described as having additional support needs. Our CQC inspection dated 2015 was rated as Outstanding Our latest CQC inspection dated 2019 was rated as good due to not having a Registered Manager in post at the time of Inspection. This did not reflect the report itself (this is available to read here on our website) as Wigan Link was awarded this rating due to the sad passing of the Registered Manager just 6 months prior and Wigan Link were in the process of instating a new Registered Manager. This was completed 3 months after the Inspection.